Seasons Greetings Food Athletes!
Another decade has come and almost gone. Whew, did it go by fast or slow for you? Well, good news, here is an opportunity for another ten years to get healthy. It's never too late to start, but what lots of us struggle with is time. Not enough, what to do with it, how to spend it, time is always ticking. Don't panic. What keeps my food juices flowing is the ever ebbing and flowing of seasons, flavors, and the unique needs of my Food Athletes. We must find joy in what nourishes us β the purpose of food so-to-speak. Whether you are cooking for one or a family team meal prep is usually an obstacle stumbled across eventually. Even me, the girl who makes a living out of wellness has a mental block now and again. Coming up with recipes with simple ingredients, that's a snap to prepare, and packed with health benefits doesn't always come to me in a pinch or a dash, haha, so I can imagine what it's like for you, the regular foodie. This recipe is perfect for a holiday party; meal for family night, or have it a few days leftovers. You can add any protein to it because it's so light and won't leave you feeling stuffed. It's festive in color, seasonally appropriate, so you will find the squash waiting for you at the market (ask your fave produce person to cut it in half for you and most will be happy to do so.) Pomegranates are ruby red, shiny, and gorgeous to display before eating. The sweet and slightly sour pom mixed with toasted pumpkin seeds pops with the pesto squash, and each bite will be a holiday celebration in your mouth!
Pesto Spaghetti Squash
(total transparency, I don't measure much when cooking, only baking. So I'm giving you my best guestimate. Believe in yourself, rely on tastebuds, and alter recipes to suit your flavor palate.)
1/2 Spaghetti Squash
Large Handful Basil
Large Handful Pine Nuts
A Few Twirls around the Processor of Olive Oil
A squeeze of Half a Fresh Lemon
Salt & Pepper to taste
However Many You Want of Pomegranate Seeds
Ditto for the Toasted Pumpkin Seeds
1/2 Spaghetti Squash cut lengthwise- you can scoop out the seeds prior, but make sure not to over scoop flesh cause this is the spaghetti too. You can leave them in and roast and pick out the top seeds and some of the gooey part.
Drizzle with Olive Oil and fresh cracked Pepper. Roast about 1 hr in a 375 oven.
Start face down and put some foil over to protect skin from burning. Flip over 1/2 way and keep the foil on so the squash kind of steams itself.
Test with a fork, and it can be toothsome, aka al dente', it's up to you. Mushy spaghetti squash or even the real deal pasta is yuck, so be cautious not to overcook.
the squash skin makes a cute serving bowl too.
In a food processor, blend 1/2 cup basil & 1/2 cup pine nuts with olive oil & 1/2 of freshly squeezed lemon juice. If you want it greener, add more basil, less fat don't use as much oil, want more acid add lemon β pinch of salt and fresh ground pepper to taste as you like.
Mix squash and pesto.
Top with pomegranate seeds and pumpkin seeds.
Wishing you Merry Happy Everything!
Cheers Food Athletes!
xoxo Jessi