happy is the new sexy

Chillaxing happy style in my Beyond Yoga wear. Check out some of my Move posts on Beyond Yoga Blog  here. Also starting October 24th my first post for their Taste section when I'm talking all about pumpkin!

Chillaxing happy style in my Beyond Yoga wear. Check out some of my Move posts on Beyond Yoga Blog  here. Also starting October 24th my first post for their Taste section when I'm talking all about pumpkin!

Happy Day Athletes! Are we feeling groovy today?

 So by a show of hands, who out there loves being in a good mood? Great, that's what I thought. We all want it, and in The Food Athlete spirit of keeping it real, we can't always get what we want. But, we can get damn close. We are the creators of our actions as well as our intentions, so you can you commit to this journey of life by purposefully setting goals to be happy. Not saying it's going to be easy and believe me when I say I have my off days too, I'm certainly not perfect. The difference between a client and me is that I've mastered (to a degree) how to turn negative behaviors into positives. The process of eating to feel better will probably become increasingly more challenging before it gets easier, but EXCELLENT NEWS, there are rewards. When you elevate from a bad mood to a good mood it not just changes the way you feel but also how others perceive you. A happy person is a looks confident to the world. Positivity is contagious plus it breeds productivity. It seems so simple; it's the perfect formula, how come we all don't practice it, eating to feel better leads to so much bigger things.

How, Jessi, how? Alright friends, I can hear you. I get it; you want to know how to get to feeling happy about your body, excited about the foods we put in our system, enjoy the taste of our carefully thought out meals. What's the secret you ask? It's by practicing patience, forgiveness, and discipline. I'm reading a fabulous book, and the author talks about how we can heal our body. It starts within and our perception "....have faith in the way I treat my body..." Believe it, and you shall see it. There is a direct correlation between what we eat, how we move and how that makes us feel. So you see, we can make it our mission to surround ourselves with positivity, and it happens not just inside but also the outside.  We can control maintaining our joy by doing specific actions. Choosing the company we keep, make like-minded friends who are in support of your health as well as their own. There's a saying in AA "you don't hang around a barber shop unless you want a haircut." Right? It's funny and at the same time, it might make you stop and think about why you might put yourself in a precarious situation. Find what gives you joy, remember as a kid what made you laugh, name one thing you have done past or present that after it happened you were smiling.  How bad do you want this pleasurable mood? How long do you want the effects to last, do you want more than just a moment? So how can you make happy sustainable? I circle back to practice. 1.Repetition creates habits so, say you want to be a more nutritious eater, seek guidance, ask for support, sometimes it takes a village. 2.Do a job that is gratifying. I don't understand when I hear people say they hate their job, yet they stay and are miserable. Last I heard it's a free country so unless you like being in a state of discomfort nine to five get up and do something about it.  3.Find purpose in every day you are alive and do that by giving back. When something amazing happens to you, and you get a gift of feeling good, turn around and give to someone who needs some good. A simple smile can turn someone's bad day into sensational.  4.Remind yourself not WHY you woke up this morning, but tell yourself, you GET to wake up this morning and then do something miraculous.  Know this we are put on this Earth for a very short time and a reason.

Let's talk more about creating your happy by specific choices we make. A.Like what we eat; perhaps choose grilled not fried. B. What we allow our eyes to view; turn off the T.V. and open a  book. C.How we honor our body; take a walk in nature versus lying on the couch all day. D.Mindful exercises, think positive thoughts; meditating instead of always complaining about how you got cut in front of in the supermarket line.  When unfortunate circumstances in the world filter in negativity to our happy place can we just think about raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, warm woolen mittens, fuzzy puppies, rainbows, and unicorns, to make all the wrong quickly go away? We, humans, are pleasure seekers. Sometimes at any cost. I've been on the not so bright end of the rainbow chasing a feel-good time, risking my health just to get that high-on-life. The brain isn't that hard to fool, playing repetitive tricks on the mind is how you form an addiction. Part of my strategy when I work with clients is to help them discover how their emotions play a role in the food choices they make. What patterns and behaviors are you repeating and again that has morphed into a habit that now you have become emotionally connected? What we tell ourselves along with the action performed are powerful, so powerful we have made our bodies addicted, yearning for unhealthy substances. Even though our rational thoughts say Nah, have the veggies, not the cake, our addictive thoughts convince us differently. What are you willing to do for your pursuit of happiness?  Can you go there? My question to you is this, what's stopping you from getting your happy on? 

"Why does our brain prefer opium to broccoli?" It's not a mystery why we like unhealthy vs. healthy, because these are clear facts, and studies, journaled medical science. It's pretty simple, our brain would like a short cut to the feelings of happiness (because we do, all of us, want to be happy, not sad) and the quicker we can get the results the faster we get to reap the benefits of the experience. So, of course, a scoop of ice cream with all it's serotonin granules will have us giggling with our friends faster than a spear of asparagus. Science provides us a ton of information, I like to say and believe that knowledge is power, so let's put some of this data to use. Have you ever just imagined your dessert after dinner? Getting giddy at the thought of the "forbidden" food. It triggers a quake of excitement throughout your body. It's even before the first bite that the signals are informing our brain of the possibilities feeling joy from a delicious food.  The messages are sometimes overwhelming even undeniable.  It isn't until you've cleaned your plate and your stomach becomes filled that the regret begins to take over. There usually isn't anything we can do by then, the damage was done, but that isn't enough, we want to beat ourselves up a little more. So we go right to the nasty self-chatter, and we punch away.  

Can we manifest joy made from pure, organic ingredients? Yep, sure can! I learned to do it, and I was in an incredibly dark place for over a decade. So the steps I talk about to get to being happy are some of the same steps I took and still take. Things like exercise, connection with family and friends, writing, hugging my fur-babies, watching the sunrise, meditation and delicious, nutritious, wonderful delectable food. I had temptations from sources that didn't believe in the magic of self-made enjoyment, but I choose to take the challenge delivered to me, and I continue my practice of faith. No matter how cruel the world can be, I will be able to handle it without synthetic stress relievers. 

How does chemical play a role in mood enhancement? In food and our body they exist. That's why I lay it on so thick about dedicating your food ritual to whole healthy substances. Did you know that most of the chemical serotonin produced in your body, in fact, lives in your gastrointestinal tract?  Doesn't it make sense that inside with all the cells and nerves the mechanics in your stomach are working to help you digest food will also control your emotions? " Serotonin regulates mood, sleep, and appetite.  Reducing the amount of stress you take on will alter not only how you see your body mentally,  physically when we run our bodies down we run the risk of develop diseases. Clearly, we have lots of power to elevate our mood with natural foods and engaging in productive activities, not just physical but loving generous acts of kindness. 

So,  If you knew that cashews were a natural anxiety tamer would you eat a handful a day?


Get happy by increasing your activity:

 Move more.  Serotonin productivity will multiply just by getting your blood pumping. Fact: people who exercise on a regular basis have less risk of depression.

Elevate your mood by food you choose:

1) Omegas like fish, eggs, nuts.

2) Spirulina: love this stuff (and all sea vegetables) I put a couple of teaspoons in my smoothie, and you don't even taste it. These blue-green algae contain tryptophan, and this is an amino that helps create the serotonin.

3) Walnuts: Many kinds of nuts contribute to happy feelings, check out my post last week about beauty and food here, I talked a bit about the calming effects when you indulge in these nuts, so when anxiety hits, and you want to reverse the panic try walnuts pumpkin seeds and cashews too.  

4) Remember that saying "happy as a clam" well then,  Clams: contain the vital vitamins B12 that our brains need to make serotonin.

The air you breathe:

I'm a huge fan of aromatherapy. I have a couple of diffusers, one for the living room one for the bedroom. I mix oils together to create scents that remind me of happy places I've been. Eucalyptus, oregano, basil, peppermint, frankincense. Although some boast of promoting specific emotions I have found that it doesn't matter what it says it's going to improve, it's all about how YOU feel once you get the first whiff. 

As a chef I have an extremely positive reaction the moment I start to grill onions, this particular food takes me back to when I was a kid, cooking with my mom, and the beginning of holiday dinners. It's a feeling of safety and comfort that puts me at ease every time. 

DIY TIP: Make your "cooks" kitchen scents by wrapping up some rosemary or cinnamon sticks in a low-heated oven and bake, even if you're not preparing food the house will begin to fill with the beautiful rustic fragrance. 

So athletes, how do you all feel now? If you feel inspired, hopeful, and optimistic that you are the master of your happy destiny then my work here today is done.  Do you feel confident that you can get out and present yourself to the world with a smile and an intention to feel amazing? Love it! Well. I have to admit I feel pretty happy myself. I get a surge of energy after I share some of my insights with you all.

As always, I look forward to hearing your thoughts so please reach out and let me know how you find you're happy. 

Be Happy, Be Healthy, Love Your Body,

xx Jessi (your Food Athlete) xx




beauti-fuel food (5 fall foods that go more than skin deep)

One of my most favorite books, Food & Life. Not just beautiful photos but delicious and creative ways to look at food in the form of medicine. #letfoodbeyourmedicine

One of my most favorite books, Food & Life. Not just beautiful photos but delicious and creative ways to look at food in the form of medicine. #letfoodbeyourmedicine

   "Beauty is only skin deep." Well, this is one of those old idioms that when first spoken so long ago had zero to do with food.   Speaking in terms of nourishment and our body, skin being the largest organ of our body, I'd say, um, yeah, beauty is very much "skin deep" skin shallow, it's the whole enchilada.  If you take pride in your appearance does that mean your character has nothing to do with that? I don't even know if that made sense. So according to this "saying", the meaning behind it insinuates that just because a person is not on the People's 100 most beautiful list doesn't mean they aren't a wonderful human being. But can't you be unattractive and eat crappy too? And can't you be superior looking and be a terrible person? The quote just doesn't make sense anymore, I love when I can do that, take a perfectly innocent phrase and redefine or even un-define it. Confusion aside (which is the point of an idiom in the first place, ha!) I can find hundreds of quotes pertaining to how food affects our body and how we look and feel. "You are what you eat". Yep it's a fact, but does eating processed foods mean that you are a fake person? I dunno, maybe? Depends on your strategy? Are you eating 80% fresh? Then I'd say your someone I can be friends with because I don't do fake. Fake isn't attractive so why not pick food that's not only fuel but also makes you feel pretty and has added beauty benefits to boot.  If we feel good we usually look good, I mean appearance speaking it's all subjective, like "beauty is in the eye of the beholder," but should we really give a fig if we are feeling amazing and we aren't on the cover of Vogue? Confidence, self-love, acceptance, kindness are some of my favorite ingredients to make up a beautiful  person. Just add nourishment, mix and serve. 


1. Pomegranate: In the form of seeds or juice there's no wonder they got the brand name "Pomwonderful" Indeed wonderful, and wondrous with all its healthy offerings. A kind of flavonoid antioxidant polyphenol, which is found in plants gives this fruit its vibrant red-pink hue but even better helps reduce blood pressure. A glass of this juice helps hydrate dry skin and protects our cells from oxidative stress along with reducing inflammation. 

2. Figs: These incredible little cuties have super powers beyond belief. From the stem which contains a sap to treat some diseases, to the skin, known in ancient days to be used as an exfoliator. Medicinal uses aside, nutritionally they are magical. Eating figs raw fresh out of a farmers market basket is my preferred way to indulge in this beauty food. A generous amount of dietary fiber is present in these lovely, again, important news to keep the toxins moving at a desirable pace. Just 3 oz has approx. 12% of your DV.

3. Brussels sprouts: These sweet little bite-sized green balls are the Pitbull of veggies. Why do they get such a bad rep?  I'm happy to announce they are not only friendly and delicious but have a colossal amount of nutrient value. It's so easy to get all the vitamins and minerals you need from food rather than pills and you'll find plenty of vitamin A and K, in just a cup to supply your body with some pretty fantastic health protection and beauty benefits. Brighten and protect your eyes, and strengthen bones. Yep, this means you don't just have to drink milk to protect your skeletal system. Brussels are very versatile to use also, cooked or raw they are a holiday staple, right up there with pumpkin.  I've included an amazing Fall Macro Bowl recipe that you can do with either raw shaved sprouts or cook 'em. It's a win either way. It could also make a great side dish for your Thanksgiving table. 

Fall Macro  Bowl

1 C. Shaved Brussels Sprouts

1/4 C. Diced Yams

7 Asparagus Tips (grilled)

1/2 C. Farro (uncooked, reserve the other half after cooked for another time)

1/4 Chickpeas ( I like to keep them fresh, slightyly cooked, you can boil)

Pomegranate Seeds

Toasted Walnuts

Horseradish Dressing: Mix the following together. 

1 Tbs. Coconut Oil

2 Tbs Olive Oil

3 Tbs. Apple Cider Vinegar

Lemon (squeeze bout 1/4)

1 Tsp. Shallots (finely diced)

Parsley (chopped)

Salt to taste

 Prepare the bowl:

 Mix all this goodness together combining 1/2 the dressing. Drizzle on remaining dressing and top with walnuts and pomegranate seeds. 

4. Walnuts: I can't say enough about these butterfly shaped nuts. Don't they? Look like 2 butterfly wings? They are quite remarkable in that they contain a good amount of omegas, both 3 & 6 which is unusual but also double the illness fighting power, like diabetes. There's also a ton of B vitamins which is going to keep your hair strong and luxurious.  Did you know melatonin naturally exists in walnuts? A calming healthy snack before bedtime to help boost your zzz's. The skin of the walnut is where all the goodies are hidden, so if you aren't used to the bitter taste then try toasting them. I throw mine in smoothies. Oh, but have you tried walnut butter? It's addicting so don't get carried away, but please do sample some.   

5. Apples: Contain this juicy antioxidant called quercetin. Say it with me 'kewr-se-ten, cool right?  This fruit as a powerful functional food helps ward off the damaging effects of sun rays that may cause skin cancer. It's true what they say, "an apple a day...." O.K. so this idiom is very on point, probably because it's a proverb so I'm gonna leave that one alone. A day doesn't go by that I don't have at least a slice of apple. Top it with nut butter, maybe walnuts, hint hint. Chop it up in salads. Bake it whole with cinnamon. Throw a baked apple in a food processor for homemade apple butter.

Can I talk for a sec? about the most important beautyfuel element? Sadly the often forgotten, sometimes called plain and boring, but we can't live without it so figure out a way to drink it, WATER!  It's the ultimate in flushing out the bad to make room for the good.  Keeps us glowing and supple. Hydration is non-negotiable. When you're dehydrated you're punishing your glorious body, why would you do that? Saying you forgot to drink your water today is like saying you forgot to breathe. Now doesn't that sound ridiculous? Well, it's true, so if putting on makeup, getting your hair done, working out and beautifying are your thing than water to shall be your jam. I keep a big glass, full, next to my bed so first thing in the morning I replenish some of what I lost while I was dreaming about pumpkin spice pancakes. 

So let me leave you with this just to drive home all this info I have supplied you with this fine Fall Friday morning.  There isn't a day that goes by that I don't get a comment about my skin. Like, not just in passing, they get up close and personal, looking at every pore. "What are you doing for your skin?" I do take care of my face, keeping it clean.  I don't wear make-up unless I'm outdoors and then it's just a light tinted moisturizer. But I was a very naughty sun bather, no not that kind, I grew up in a generation of no sunscreen and slathered on baby oil and roasted myself "til I was bright red, a big no-no. So I am very fortunate to have the skin I have, however, I am a living proof, a walking billboard if you will,  that if you eat smart your body rewards you. How I eat, and what I eat has for sure slowed down my (knock on wood, amen) aging process, double knock on wood. So why not just eat foods that make you feel amazing, nourish you, and fuel your beauty. Happy Friday Friends!

Happy Friday Food Athletes! Sorry, it's been so long since my last post, it's a learning process. I also write for a site called Beyond Yoga, I blog for the Move section and starting October 24th I will have my first post going up on the Taste section so look for that coming up. All about pumpkins!!! So for now, I'm happy to be back with you again and if you have comments I'd love you to share with me. #letfoodbeyourmedicine

Be Happy, Be Healthy, Love Your Body,

xx Jessi (your Food Athlete) xx

P.S. I've done up a little holiday beauty treat for you here it's a spicy body scrub and I was saving it for Halloween but I couldn't resist sharing now.  I will be talking all about pumpkin later this month as we head into our beloved spooky day Halloween,  as well as talking about it benefits along with some fun recipes you can actually eat. Since we are talking bout beauty today also I wanted you to get an un-edible taste of what other functions foods may have. Check out my Pumpkin Body Scrub DIY here.