a royal pain in the gut(t)

Good Afternoon Food Athletes!

How are you feeling today friends? Like down deep down in the pit of your stomach? Everything churning the way it should be, or do you wake up every day with that not so settled feeling. No, this is not the beginning monologue of an infomercial. The gut topic is an ongoing investigation. If your sole focus is dieting (hate that word) for a flat stomach, how you look on the outside, surprise!!!! The real work starts from the inside. It begins internally with an awakening of your habits. Recognize where you may be lacking, what you could improve and what is working for you. It's typical for a new client to come to me with a desire to modify food behaviors because they experience an achy tummy, usually due to unhealthy nutrition. But it's also possible to experience irritability from an imbalance of whole healthy foods. Too much of a good thing isn't always a good thing. Changing too many behaviors all at once can be shocking to your body so I advise taking baby steps. "Don't bite off more than you can chew" so-to-speak. There are so many factors that could be the culprit to an angry stomach. Although physically painful, it's also a total bummer emotionally, I'm sure we have all experienced being in a bad mood because of a belly ache. 

I was a bit anxious as a kid, (please hold your comments) and sadly a kid doesn't really learn how to stress manage so I was at the mercy of my food being the dictator of my tum.  It's a whole new world today and I wouldn't be at all surprised to see child practicing meditation, which would be incredible.  So much of how our food reacts in our body has to do with our emotions, that's what I was talking about earlier when I say the work begins within. Although it's important to understand your history with food, try not to get obsessed or hung up on your past eating behavior in such a way that it impacts your wanted improvements negativity.  As with life, it's easy to wish we did it differently in situations that bring us discomfort but looking for the lesson will keep us moving forward. Eating is a very sensitive conversation and it may give you a stomach ache just to talk about your food diary, so find silver linings even if it has to do with broccoli.  One thing I hear from clients who are starting from ground level, like beginner 101 how to eat, is that they can't digest certain foods, and they have read something about avoiding this or that because it makes them puffy. My first suggestion, stop looking for reasons to eliminate food from your diet because you want a flat stomach. It's a myth that if you eat carbs you are going to get a large belly. If you are going to read on the web, read evidence based articles, follow a Nutritionist or RD or Doctor who has credentials. Here's what you want to avoid, a title of a blog that starts, "new discovery in fat loss", it's probably not going to be your safe solution to weight maintenance. The thing is that the human body is not a new discovery and if you learn more about our body and how we are designed to function than you can move on to attending to your own individual needs, with the guidance of a professional. So that's my little lecture for today. Moving on and back to the gut.   Our intestines are beasts inside this body of ours. Just to give you a fun visual, I'm a little over 5 foot tall and when you uncoil a large intestine it's about as tall as me,  and the small is 20 ft.  What?!?!  How on Earth are these things hanging out in this little human? Baffling and amazing. Once again the human body never fails to peak my interest.  Well, without getting any more graphic, that was probably a lot for a Monday, these internal machines have the very important jobs of helping to absorb and store nutrients along with managing our digestion.  So let's not make these innards angry and simply give them what they want. Here I go again, EAT A VARIETY OF WHOLE FRESH FOODS.  If you are getting tired of hearing me say that go order a Happy-Meal, stop reading my blog and call it a day. 

Or, try these tips:

No. 1   get regular

Be rigorous with your commitment to your lifestyle. Here's a smart start point, follow the 80-20 rule. This means the majority of your foods are fresh and whole. Are you vowing to begin a new way of eating? This begins with consistent behavior, if your old way was sporadic, skipping meals and fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants mentality, then start scheduling in your meals. Part of being "regular" is teaching your body basic good habits, which includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and lots of water. 

No. 2 food-aid

Incorporate foods that aid in digestion and enzyme breakdown. Some of my faves I've listed below.  Fruits and veggies contain fiber, great fillers and helps to keep it all moving and absorbing in your system.  Probiotics are super gut soothers and intestine balancers. Fresh herbs not only add flavor to meals but some are medicinal. 











Yogurt/ Keifer

Apple cider vinegar

Seeds/ chia

Fresh Herbs/ Mint, Dandelion (greens) Tea

Hydrate! Lots of water. 


No. 3 de-stress

Eliminate stress, yep, this is a tricky one. Once you get on a negative wheel that's turning and turning it begins a circle of doom, very unsupportive for the tummy. Avoid stress, may be a more realistic way to go, since unexpected situations can pop up. Try some slow deep breathing exercises and meditation to calm your insides. You do have the power to control how you react by becoming a master manager of your emotions. 

No. 4 Mindful eating

Don't inhale your food. My dad is the slowest eater on the planet. Way before he got older and it became more difficult to eat hard foods (the denture thing) we would have this 2-hour marathon breakfast. Now every Sunday it's still "quality time" cause it takes forever to get through a pancake. I did not pick up this habit, and I've literally had to stop and put my fork across the room to just slow myself down, I just love food so I get carried away sometimes.  

Take small bites. Chew your food. Don't over eat.  I was taught to finish my plate or I wouldn't get dessert. This is a challenging one for parents because you are working hard to get the kiddos to eat and finish the food, but there is a fine line dealing with portion sizes these days and also the obesity epidemic.  OMG, I have so much to talk about, sorry, getting back on track. My point, leave your stomach only partially full, 10% left over. So how do you know when you're done? It takes bout 20 minutes for your brain to tell your stomach that you are full so get tuned into your feelings. Don't just follow your gut on this one. 


 So Athletes, starting from Halloween and through the New Year, nutrition and fitness are in full swing. Goal setting and resolutions are put into action. There's scrambling and tripping over everything to get to the juice cleanse shop, everyone's mind is racing and trying to figure out a plan of attack to make it through just one more holiday party. No one wants to deal with the feeling of dread and regret the next morning because they over ate and drank. Maybe something sounds true and familiar and you're ready to make the next move. Whatever choices you make I wish the only belly ache you are having this holiday season is from a life full of fun and laughter. 

PS, A majority of food strategies touch upon feelings, and being able to identify them. The process of eating isn't just an action of a spoon to mouth and moving the shoulder joint and jaw.  If you are interested in fine tuning your eating behaviors, and BTW having fun too, click here to work with me.

Happy Monday Food Athletes!

Be Happy, Be Healthy, Love Your Body,

xx Jessi (your Food Athlete) xx

monday musings

Good Monday morning Food Athletes!

Can you feel it? I do, Fall is coming, in each new breathI take, I am certain this new season is going to bring me energy, new thoughts, and an abundance of creativity. Get excited, that means more info for you friends. Sometimes when I write you'll know from that very first word what the topic is going to be, a specific recipe, a popular subject like carbs, and how to love them again, or like today when I'm sharing about my own relationship with food and as I do it just so happens to flow into the topic of. So today how you can take some small steps to integrate healthy choices into your life? What could that look like if you choose to take a moment and schedule nutrition in your day?

A misconception about me is that I'm this perfect eater, I have green juice running through my veins, when I'm cut I bleed beets and I would never touch a cupcake or my finger would turn purple and fall off. All these rumors because I'm a nutritionist? So I'm only supposed to consume "healthy food", right?  It's true, though, I'm pretty perfect, LOL! Nowadays that is. I have done my damage in the fast food department and yo-yo diets, eating an entire round of brie cheese for dinner, a box of Captain Crunch for dessert, a bowl of Cool Whip with chocolate chip cookies for a snack.  I had some very strange but committed junk food habits. Once I started to appreciate my body, not only in a physical way but in a this-is-the-only-body-I-get way, the next and only natural step was, say goodbye to the greasy, fried, processed, crap. I mean all that artificial stuff isn't really food now is it? So, the way I see it, my healthy eating behaviors are really just normal.

What my paleo ancestors ate many moons ago is what I eat now, so what the heck is so weird about that? What's weird and very not normal is that a Hostess Ding Dong has a shelf life of like 5 years. I'm a busy girl just like the rest of us, my life is full and on occasion hectic. Planning for life being unexpected doesn't really make sense, so when I've missed marketing day and I'm a bit understocked in my fridge I have to think fast and smart. The funny thing about me is that when I'm zipping around and I begin to live in my hungry scrambled brain and I'm starting to crave something naughty, my version of naughty is prepackaged by Cafe Gratitude.  I almost feel like I'm cheating when I don't make my own meal like I'm the worst nutritionist and wellness cheerleader ever. How dare I talk to clients about eating whole fresh food when I'm going to pop open a container of not-made-by-me salad. Well, it's a-o.k. to not make from scratch every single piece of food I eat. Same goes for you. I'm not here to preach, cook it yourself or you're a failure in the nutrition department. I'm here to teach. We have to work with what we got but also go after what we want and work it. Wait, did you hear that, read that last sentence again, slowly, take it in. Good, now then, when are we going to stop for a moment and realize that we are this fast society rushing to post pictures and like comments, make comments and be relevant? All the while we have forgotten how to eat. Like, time out everyone! It's 3p.m. and you haven't had lunch. Modern technology and new inventions every day make it so easy for us, but we are still missing the mark somehow. I'm sure there is some way to program your phone to make a shopping list and besides a robot physically getting your food I'm positive you can end up with some bags of fresh fixings to make your meals. Priorities, like brushing your teeth, working out, bathing, we make those the non-negotiables and our nourishment somehow falls to the bottom of the list.

Try this list:

1. Eat

2. Brush your teeth

3. Eat

4. workout

5. Eat

6. Bath

I like lists. I'm sorta paranoid I'm going to have it all on the devices and a power surge is gonna happen and then what? If I have it on paper it's right there and I can throw it in a real trash can, not an icon, and recycle, save the planet, stuff like that. Plus, writing it seems to make it more attainable, it also makes it fun when I get to cross the completed task off the list. It's as if the actual action, writing, is making the list more serious, in a fun yet more committed way. Feel me?When you are goal setting it's a good idea not to overwhelm yourself and start with just a few to-dos. Ready?
Next list to try:
1. Keep a food journal (it doesn't have to be a forever thing, it's a start place to form new habits)
2. Clean out your pantry (this is one of my services, so you can get me to do your dirty work, it's o.k. it's one of my strange fetishes, I love cleaning)
3. Set a timer on your phone when it's time to have a snack (snacks are important in between meals so you aren't starving your bod and making silly choices)
4. Get a friend to get healthy with you (a nutrition buddy) if I have a group of clients that are on the same Food Athlete Program I encourage them to chat with each other in between our private sessions, keeps the spirits up, it's inspiring to hear about others progress.
5. Try a healthy meal delivery service. (For one month. Pick one that delivers the ingredients but you prepare on your own, to get you into an action of cooking your meals. Takes the pressure off of the shopping and at the same time you know exactly what you are putting into your body.
Oh, the last tip, shameless plug, hire a nutritionist.

You don't have to over-complicate, keep it simple. Start by making one small change this week. It's perfect, Monday morning the slate is clean, what's one thing you can do this week that's going to make a positive effect on you, your body, your mood? Maybe eat breakfast? For one whole week, don't skip breakfast. 

Easy-Peasy Breakfast: Loaded with nutrients, superfoods, gentle on the stomach, probiotics, healthy fats. If you are not used to eating breakfast start small and light. Oatmeal, raw nuts, Cup of yogurt, fresh fruit.

I love Wasa Crackers, just thought I'd state that. For an easy vehicle topped with Avocado and Egg, Sweet Potato or Pumpkin Puree, Cashew Butter, Dates, Greek Yogurt, Cinnamon, Cardamom, Walnuts, Gogi Berries. Try it, you'll get hooked and then we can discuss more breakfast ideas, I make a protein banana pancake to die for!

On that delicious note friends, I am off to enjoy this crisp almost-Fall break of dawn. I hope to have inspired you to start the marbles rolling in the direction of a happy healthy September and every day after that, it's all about a lifestyle, remember that.  Thank you as always for stopping by The Food Athlete, I'd love to hear your comments, (yes, that means you too mom, xoxo) thoughts and ideas. 

Happy Monday #letfoodbeyourmedicine

Be Happy, Be Healthy, Love your Body,

xo Jessi (your Food Athlete) xo