Zen and the art of nourishment


 I think this may be the beginning of many "zen and the art of....." topics.  Eating as a philosophy is about joining your mental state of mind with fresh food sources to create a balance. I'm paraphrasing a little but that's the idea. Today I want to get your nutrition wheels turning and discuss food as energy. As a morning person, I get some reaction when asked what time I get up to teach or even do my own workout. Ready for it? 3:35 a.m! Yep, it's early but I love feeling like I'm the first and only one to begin the day. It's an odd number because I'm human and love to hit a snooze button a couple times. I'm trying to break this habit because there are some sleep facts to consider but again, another subject. Today is about fatigue, and smart simple fuel choices you can make to bring energy into your system daily.

 What’s the deal with being too tired to eat? Is this really a thing? I’ve been hearing grumblings lately, and these words uttered more frequently. "I was too tired, so I skipped dinner." That being said I decided to delve in deeper to the facts since I've surprisingly noticed a running theme among my fitness clients, as well as my Food Athletes I am coaching. What do you mean you're too tired? Like you physically your tired and weak and can’t stick a piece of toast in the toaster and lift a knife to spread almond butter on it?  Or you feel like your so lethargic that you can't use your jaw to chew? Or you've been fighting a cold and feel so depleted of energy that the thought of food makes you sick to your stomach?  I hear a lot of these reasons and a good percentage of the time I consider them excuses. If that sounds judgy sorry. But eating is fun and delicious and not eating makes you cranky so why does it sound like it's a task when I hear this "too tired to eat" song.   It's true that fatigue can send signals to your brain telling your taste buds that food is not yummy, or be so hungry that you're too confused to make a decision about what to eat, which then leads to some not so healthy choices.  It's a cause and effect syndrome because when you don't eat eventually you'll be hungry and that's when the "too hungry to sleep" record starts playing. This is a merry-go-round you may want to exit, fast.  I'm looking for solutions over at The Food Athlete and I've made it my mission to teach and educate the importance of supplying your precious one and only body with daily fuel so you can live a vibrant, happy, energetic life.   Will you ever catch a cold or flu? Yes. Will those irritating little bugs take over your immune system causing you to take to your bed for a few days? Perhaps.  Will you ever load up on pizza and beer watching a football game and feel a bit out of it the next day? Sure. Will you eat a slice of cake on your birthday? Duh.  I didn't create this site to tell people what to, and not to eat, but rather to open up real conversations and discuss smart options and help instill healthy lifestyle behaviors.  My question to you Food Athletes is,  what are you doing in your life that serves your body and what are some habits you could let go of?

Consider some of these following scenarios when you're feeling so sleepy that you can’t seem to manage to feed yourself.

No. 1: Are you drinking enough water?  Being dehydrated can, and will without a doubt, affect your energy. When you're depriving yourself of liquids, than your body has to work harder to function. Technically speaking there's plenty of activity going on internally in our bodies, so we probably take for granted that things should just be running itself, but it is not that cut and dry.  Cells and organs need blood and being dehydrated causes blood to change consistency, therefore, forcing the heart to pump harder and that can result in you being fatigued. Whew, I got tired just explaining that. The bottom line is if you are not drinking your H2O you are not only will you be thirsty but you may also be tired. So get your 8 glasses a day, maybe more depending on your body type/weight.

No. 2: Is coffee your go-to energy source? Sometimes overdoing it on the caffeine can cause your body to go the opposite of up up up and bring you down down down.  Try a kinder gentler antioxidant rich caffeine like green tea instead of hourly coffee perks. It gives you a little boost without drowning out all the vital minerals, at the same time fighting those free radicals. 

No. 3: Feed a cold, feed a fever. Ya, doesn’t sound like you remember, does it? Well, one of my favorite things to do is bust a myth.  So, feeding the cold makes sense since you need the energy to fight that sucker, and beat the toxins and also generate heat when your body is under attack. The super fun fact I have found about fevers is that your metabolism actually increases which, as you, athletes may already know burns calories!! Whoa! No way! Burn calories when I’m sick? O.k. before you get nuts, this means that you need to replenish and refuel. When you have a fever, sick, cold, whatever, it just goes to show that smart eating strategies shouldn’t cease but rather push on. 

No 4: Grabbing for calorie-dense snacks? This genre of food will make you sleepy. Fact. This is why dad is usually sleeping on the couch in front of the t.v. with pizza slice hanging out of his mouth while holding on to his bottle of beer. Alright so I’m generalizing and maybe not even that general but I’m reminiscing my childhood.  I’m also talking simple carbohydrates like sugar in processed foods, sodas, cake. I don’t think you’ll see the same situation after dad’s just had a big bowl of quinoa with veggies. Wow, that quinoa was quite filling think I need a nap. Nope, not gonna happen. The scientific facts behind being physically ready for bed after carbs is that they are easily absorbed in your body causing the spike in sugar levels which in turn causes the big drop, basically, what comes up must come down. 

No. 5: Skipping out on breakfast?  I've saved the best for last. EAT BREAKFAST! Why?  Because it's the most important meal of the day. I want this to be the last bit of info you read and remember about today's blog post. I know what it's like to avoid this meal because I did it most of my life and let us just say I was always grumpy and tired going to school. I was dragging ass. I was quite a stubborn girl (o.k. maybe a little as an adult so shhh) so even though my mom begged me to eat I just refused. I spent my whole life into my 30's deleting this meal from my day so it took some practice to reinstate it.  Now, no matter what time I have to wake up, I always, always, eat breakfast. It's the intention setter of my day. How I want to feel today and how far do I need my body to take me will be dependant on what fuel I consume. Pour in the nutrients friends! If you expect to travel throughout the day on an empty or even half full vehicle you're sniffing fumes. Get with the program, eat up, take charge of your day.

I'm happy we had this little chat today sleepy heads.  I tell my Food Athletes that we have very few things that we can actually control in life. Food is one element that is in our power. Take control of what makes you your best self. Sure, it may take some figuring out, trial and error, but you can do it! I believe in you! How exciting indeed that you have the potential to make your day good, very good, amazing or more amazing simply by choosing what you eat. 
 Happy Nourishing Friends! May the Zen Food Force be with you!

Be Happy, Be Healthy, Love Your Body,

xx Jessi (your Food Athlete) xx

Local Grown, Just Like Me.

Let's talk outdoor grocery shopping food athletes! What's the next best thing to buying the fresh food you find at the farmers market? Well, meeting the farmers that actually grow the food themselves! They are as kind and friendly as their vegetables are tasty and nutritious.   I'm a native Cali girl, so I don't know much about raising vegetables on acres of land with livestock and tractors, but I feel quite at home strolling through these weekly pop-ups.  I think I've been to all of them on the Westside. I used to go to the Santa Monica one so often that I wrote a poem about it and the coffee vendor, petting zoo and breakfast burritos. Those were some of the best Sunday mornings I can remember. I would get there just after 8am when everyone was just starting to unpack. I love having first dibs and seeing the displays with all the produce perfectly stacked. Full baskets of berries, not one out of place, stacks of carrots, rows of peppers. Just plucked from the trees or vine or newly pulled from the Earth.  I get my pick of the litter. Luckiest girl in the World.  Without a doubt, you can find organic goods at grocery stores but for me, since I'm just speaking for myself here at The Food Athlete, it's all about the experience. Being outdoors, everyone has baskets to carry their treasures, wearing big floppy sun hats. Sometimes there's a band, or pony rides, face painting and I've even seen animal balloon artists. 

Miatake mushrooms and orange and green bell peppers from Venice.

Miatake mushrooms and orange and green bell peppers from Venice.

Bouquet of basil from Venice farmers market.

Bouquet of basil from Venice farmers market.

Switch it up by using fresh herbs for salads, soups, and fish or pasta. There's a definate change of flavor if you spice it up with fresh vs. dried spice.  I've just started growing my own little herb garden on my patio. It's working out quite …

Switch it up by using fresh herbs for salads, soups, and fish or pasta. There's a definate change of flavor if you spice it up with fresh vs. dried spice.  I've just started growing my own little herb garden on my patio. It's working out quite well. Try this cure starter kit from Terrain

Farmers markets aren't just all about the grub. Well, there's some damn good food at these events, like crepes, pastries, omelets. And OMG, the samples. I have to say the best one to attend if you want to get some quality, variety and generous samples of treats, is the Malibu Market Sundays from 10-3 at Cross Creek.  It's small but mighty.  It has unique  flowers like these gorgeous larger-than-life dahlias I snatched up. Oh, and some next-level buckwheat chocolate chip cookies that are probably the most decadent, yet healthy cookie I've ever had (which says a lot because I'm picky about my cookies)  spectacular authentic Greek yogurt with fresh figs. Let me put it this way, if this is your day, sightseeing the pacific ocean as you drive up the coast, spend the morning at a street market picking out the top of the line produce and original food finds then you are living my friends!

Deep purple dahlia from Malibu Farmers Market. 

Deep purple dahlia from Malibu Farmers Market. 

So, why the farmers market versus your local grocery store?

No. 1:  Like I said before, it's an experience, a way to connect to your community.  Meeting the people who grow these nutritious delights is worth the adventure. To see their eyes light up when they explain their process of creation with so much passion and honesty. Farmers do this because they love to, no food can grow unless there is love and what is displayed at these markets is all love. 

No. 2:   By shopping at these markets we can support the farmers, who in turn need to support their families. 

No. 3:   There are so many interesting genres of fruits and veggies. I always discover something new and unusual at these venues as opposed to a trip to my neighborhood grocer.  Like mini watermelon cucumber, pluots, romanesco, buddhas hand.  Variety friends, I'm gonna preach it a lot here at The Food Athlete so get used to it, don't be afraid to try new and different foods. Variety is the spice of life, right?

No. 4: Fresh, fresh, fresh! When the food you buy has just been picked 24 hours earlier it's going to be needing consumption ASAP! The fresher it is the more nutrients it packs. The more nutrients retained in the food the better for your body and soul. Can't you just feel how happier your body is when it's absorbing foods that are in their natural raw state? 

No. 5:  I talked a little bit about this on Meatless Monday. Buying meats, dairy that's raised friendly is always a smarter choice. You will most certainly, always know that these products are humanely treated.

No. 6: Eat more fruits and veggies. Find fresh whole ingredients to cook with. Eat the rainbow. Balance nutrients with mindful eating. Consume a variety of real, not processed foods. Know what is in your food so you know what you're putting in your body.  Enjoy your food. Have fun.  Cook for yourself or your family. Teach your kids smart food habits that they will have for the rest of their lives. These are just some of the basics and essentials I teach my clients at The Food Athlete and these farmers markets are a solid representation of what I believe to be true about food and the values I teach. 

Mini watermelon cucumbers from the delightful and magical Ojai Farmers Market

Mini watermelon cucumbers from the delightful and magical Ojai Farmers Market

Now I know why I see people with their push carts of culinary feasts at the farmer's markets. I've easily carried around 30 pounds of freshness over my shoulder in a cloth bag and it's not a good situation for anyone back, let alone mine. This just goes to show you that we are living in a world that wants to follow a more natural path when it comes to nurturing our body mind and soul. I feel confident that these markets are helping to educate by providing us with the vital, real, whole energy sources we need to thrive every day. Plus if you really take the time to speak to each vendor, each farmer, they have incredible epicurious suggestions about how to cook what they have grown for you. It's very special these strolls I've taken here at culinary wonderland. I invite you to visit your local shopping fair and as for me, as always I look forward to you sharing your experiences with me.  Thank you for letting me take you on this journey today. Happy Farming!!

Be Happy, Be Healthy, Love Your Body,

xx Jessi (your Food Athlete)